kabo-wiki-hive - en-kabo-center-wiki - wiki list [en]
The kabo-wikis with an interface in English have a home page in the en-kabo-center-wiki.
hive wikis:
- en-kabo-center-wiki, for all kabo-wikis in English
→ en-kabo-center-wiki - en-kabo-center-wiki [en] - [[en-kabo-empty-wiki?]], copy templates for the basic wiki-net page structure over into a new kabo-wiki
→ en-kabo-center-wiki - en-kabo-empty-wiki [en] - [[en-kabo-sand-wiki?]], try out kabo-wiki
→ en-kabo-center-wiki - en-kabo-sand-wiki [en] - kabo-list-wiki , the list-wiki for the main wiki aggregates the kabo-wikis in all languages
→ en-kabo-center-wiki - kabo-list-wiki [en]+[xx]- - kabo-wiki-hive , the multilingual main wiki
→ en-kabo-center-wiki - kabo-wiki-hive [de]+[en]+[fr]+ - [[local-names-sand-wiki?]], try out the local names
→ en-kabo-center-wiki - local-names-sand-wiki [en] - [[multilingual-sand-wiki?]], try out a multilingual wiki interface
→ en-kabo-center-wiki - multilingual-sand-wiki [de]+[en]+[fr]+
other wikis:
- carrotmob-wiki, for carrotmob reverse buycott worldwide
→ en-kabo-center-wiki - carrotmob-wiki [en]+[xx]- - [[e-learning-center-wiki?]], for web-sites about e-learning
→ en-kabo-center-wiki - e-learning-center-wiki [en] - [[game-ideas-wiki?]], to collect ideas for real-life and computer games
→ en-kabo-center-wiki - game-ideas-wiki [en] - Greenland-wiki, for Greenland
→ en-kabo-center-wiki - Greenland-wiki [en]+[xx]- - [[hack-Babel-wiki?]], for wikis enabling multilingual communication
→ en-kabo-center-wiki - hack-Babel-wiki [en] - [[jokes-wiki?]], to collect jokes in different languages and translate them
→ en-kabo-center-wiki - jokes-wiki [en]+[xx]- - Kilifi-wiki, for the town and region Kilifi on the coast of Kenya
→ en-kabo-center-wiki - Kilifi-wiki [en]+[sw]- - local-names-wiki, local names for web-sites not part of the wiki-net
→ en-kabo-center-wiki - local-names-wiki [en] - [[Lug-center-wiki?]], for wikis used by Linux user groups worldwide
→ en-kabo-center-wiki - Lug-center-wiki [en] - [[multilingual-wiki?]], for multilingual web-sites, to translate text on multilingual wiki pages
→ en-kabo-center-wiki - multilingual-wiki [en]+[xx]- - [[slang-wiki?]], to translate text into different slangs and dialects of the English language
→ en-kabo-center-wiki - slang-wiki [en] - [[superstition-wiki?]], for web-sites about what is commonly called “superstition”
→ en-kabo-center-wiki - superstition-wiki [en] - whoRthey-wiki, aggregates the wikis in the one big soup
→ en-kabo-center-wiki - whoRthey-wiki [en] - wikileaks-wiki, for and about wikileaks, whistleblowing, Anonymous and friends
→ en-kabo-center-wiki - wikileaks-wiki [en] - [[word-of-the-day-wiki?]], to archive words of the day
→ en-kabo-center-wiki - word-of-the-day-wiki [en]
about the latest modification
Restructured the list.